The digital era is upon us, and advertising / marketing options seem endless. There’s graphic design, video production, and a mixture of both; or how about traditional marketing such as billboards, print ads, and more? How do you communicate your business’ story while also conveying the value of your products and services - and all without breaking the bank?
Digital mediums such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter are popular platforms for hosting digital advertisements, and offer a relatively low cost-per-view ratio. I recommend that you start here on your journey to advertising freedom, as they offer you more control than traditional marketing.
BEFORE YOU GET STARTED - how are you planning to capture your paid audiences attention? Is it with never-before-seen low prices, an eye catching design, a hilarious video that immediately captures the attention of anyone scrolling by, or perhaps you’re giving away a resource that potential clients might find useful in their own pursuits. There needs to be a WHY behind your advertising - this sentiment is first and foremost.
NEXT UP - is your branding and design on point? Are you making use of beautiful photography and video? How are you retaining value from your ad, even after it has disappeared down the newsfeed? These are questions that you should be asking yourself before taking your first steps on this journey. The process can sometimes be a lot of work, so I advise that you consider sharing the work among a small team, if possible. Many hands make light work and many eyes catch small mistakes. Your peers oftentimes have great ideas that you might not otherwise have come up with! That’s why I love working with my great team. We are constantly providing larger-than-life services and accomplishing more than any one of us, alone, ever would.
You might want to consider switching up your game this year if you are finding that your previous years’ paid advertising efforts were unfruitful. Switch it up! Try something new! If you are having trouble coming up with ideas, reach out to a friend or colleague!
Spoiler alert: I’d be happy to give you some advice so feel free to connect with me!
Hopefully this article has pointed out a few angles or aspects of your marketing plan that you hadn’t considered. Though in this article I only quickly touched base on the fundamentals, I will try to post more helpful marketing related resources in the near future.